Table of Contents
What is Content Marketing?
Content Marketing is a technique that involves studying and trying to understand what our target needs, then offer it in a relevant and attractive way to transform prospects into leads.
This discipline, or strategy for the creation and dissemination of relevant content (aimed at the buyer persona of your Business), has the purpose of attracting your target audience and seducing them to be your client; that is, it has a marked commercial objective.
Therefore, when developing a content strategy for your service company or your eCommerce, you have to take into account four key factors:
- The buyer persona and his buying cycle.
- The content of value.
- The objective or the end.
- The distribution.
Also read: What are the Ways of Digital Marketing
Who is the Buyer Persona, and what is their Buying Cycle?
We could say that the buyer persona is a semi-fictional description of your ideal client.
Knowing who you are going to address is so crucial that the success of your strategy depends on it.
It would help if you defined it very well because it will tell you how you can help him, talk to him, and what and where.
It is about imagining what your ideal client is like and understanding the motivations and pain points that move him, thus preparing yourself to connect with him.
But in addition, it is essential to consider at what point in the purchase cycle you are.
It is not the same to go to a user who has just met you and comes to your blog for the first time, to one who has downloaded your lead magnet, who has already visited your page several times or interacts with you on the networks.
One of the main advantages of this plan is that it adapts perfectly to your customer’s purchase cycle and allows you to accompany them throughout the process.
Why is Content Creation important?
Create content because, yes, it is NOT Content Marketing.
The content must respond to a strategy and be able to respond to the needs of your buyer.
Therefore, before creating content, you have to be clear about what you want to achieve.
The third element comes into play: the objective.
What is the objective of Content Marketing?
Content Marketing has a general objective: to generate valuable content to attract your client and make some conversion: sale, subscription, download, become a follower, etc.
Simplifying, we could say that all content must have a linked objective.
Objectives of Content Marketing
These are some of the goals:
Brand Recognition and Notoriety :
How the content is enhancing your authority.
Reach and Traffic Generation :
What impact do they have?
Organic Positioning :
how it is influencing the SEO strategy.
Generate conversation with the community :
interaction and active listening.
Conversion or response to a Call to Action :
subscription, download, mention, share, etc.
Lead generation.
Conversion of Leads into customers.
Recurrence of purchase.
If you have goals, you have KPIs (key performance indicators).
What are the benefits of Content Marketing?
You have already been able to intuit some of the advantages of this discipline. Now, let’s look at them in further detail.
1) It helps you attract customers
Content Marketing is the strategy that helps you attract potential customers.
Your buyer person has a need or pain point, and you, through the content, will help him. Thus begins a relationship that you will have to work taking place.
When we talk about Content Marketing in the recruitment stage, we could say that it is a formal and direct invitation to your sales funnel, which will bring you a continuous flow of customers.
2) Helps build loyalty and retain existing customers
One of the common mistakes made in this strategy is that we focus on attracting when in reality, one of the most profitable stages of the life cycle of our client is in the retention and loyalty of the same.
Loyalty influences your results in two ways:
You increase the Life Time Value (LTV), the purchase cycle of your clients, and the recurrence, and therefore, you increase the average purchase ticket.
You reduce acquisition costs (CAC). Studies show that acquiring a customer costs up to seven times more than retaining them.
Therefore, strategic content will be your allies in customer loyalty, with all the positive effects on your bottom line.
3) Boost traffic and promote organic positioning
Quality content adds value to your customer, and if your customer is happy, so is Google.
A good content strategy favors SEO positioning and helps them find you and generate virality on social networks, multiplying the effects.
4) Strengthen your branding
We return to the beginning with Socrates and his “Talk to me so that I know you.”Everything you post about your brand talks about you. The contents help you show your know-how, generate authority and brand reputation. All this translates into trust. And if there is confidence, there is a better chance of a sale.
If you want to be a benchmark in your market, you have to prove it. The content strategy is the way and the branding the direction.
5) Create community and help to know it
If you want to talk to your audience, you must have something to tell, that is, you have to generate content:
- It is the way to start a conversation with your community, interact with it, and listen to it.
- It helps you connect with your target, understand their needs and interests—all in a non-invasive way.
- Facilitate engagement with your audience because you add value and listen.
6) Reinforce other Marketing strategies
The content strategy is a fundamental pillar in a Digital Marketing plan.
Many other strategies remain based on it:
- SEO would be nothing without content, your keywords, and the traffic it generates.
- Social networking empty of content is meaningless there.
- The advertising is more effective with good content, but also users receiving the likely impact will visit your website or network profiles. They have to remain well worked. Otherwise, all your previous efforts will lose influence.
- The Email Marketing strategy
- remains based on generating valuable content.