One of the most important steps in the sales funnel for any business is to first establish your brand and grow brand awareness. This is because people first need to understand what you are before they will want to consider engaging with you.

Think of it like any other relationship in your life. You have to introduce yourself first before you make the commitment. Brand awareness is similar to starting to date—you tell your story, learn your values and see if you and the other person are a good fit for one another.

Building brand awareness is something that every company in every industry needs to do in order to have long-term success. So this fall, why not make it a priority for your business? From placing New York billboards to teaming up with content creators, there are plenty of creative ways to grow your brand awareness as the end of the year approaches.

To help support the growth of your business, we have rounded up the top tips needed to accomplish this and why we think these tactics will work for you.

1. Create Your Brand Story

Before you can go out with a brand awareness campaign, you are going to need to first decide what your brand story is. Figure out what stories of your company are most compelling and what really sets you apart. A great way to begin doing this is by really defining your purpose.

From there, find ways to narrate this in an engaging way. It is more important to tell your brand story in a quality manner to an engaged audience than simply getting it out there to the masses. Once you find your audience who wants to hear your brand story, it is important to continue being consistent with it.

2. Get on Billboards

While many companies put all their brand advertising budget into digital, it is just as important to equally invest in out-of-home advertising opportunities too. For instance, New York billboards are some of the most effective out-of-home placements around. Not only can you get your brand story in front of millions of locals, but equally millions of visitors from around the world.

There is an immense amount of foot traffic in New York, which allows you the chance to get your brand to resonate with a lot of people. Billboards are a larger-than-life way to really grow your brand awareness and an effective tool to reach new audiences.

3. Make a Difference

Consumers these days are expecting brands to do good for the world. That is why it is important to include what you are doing to enhance the world in your brand awareness campaigns. Whether it is planting a tree for every sale or hiring locals from underprivileged communities, your consumers are going to be more loyal to you if they know that their purchase is going towards something that is really making a difference. This is also where it is important to connect your purpose to action. As a brand, you should not just be talking the talk, but walking the walk as well.

4. Sponsor an Event

As a brand, it is important to find ways to show that you are working with other businesses in your community. One great way to do this is by sponsoring an event. There are so many events happening in the fall season and in the build-up to the holidays you will have plenty of sponsorship opportunities to choose from. Whether it is sponsoring a sports team, a black tie event, or even a concert, having your brand get recognition this way is really powerful.

Not only will your brand get visual exposure at events through brand placement, but you will also get access to talking to all those in attendance at the event—whether that be a keynote speaking position or access to the attendance database where you can send up follow-up emails.

5. Connect on Social Media

Love it or hate it, social media is an amazing way to raise brand awareness. Not only can you create your own brand pages to control the way in which your story is told, but you can also interact with audience groups you want to engage with you. From hashtag campaigns to creating captivating visual content, connecting on social media is very important for brand awareness this fall.

6. Listen to Your Audiences

In order to make audiences aware of your brand, you have to listen to what they want. To understand how they engage with your industry, their habits, their preferences, and what matters to them.


Raising your brand awareness this fall is easy with these six tips. From billboards in New York to acting on purpose, what will you focus on doing first to enhance your brand?